Saturday, April 18, 2015

Project Feed a Neighbor part 3

Just a small part of Troop 321's overall efforts
Hurrah! This is what Dick Derby sent to the media about our efforts:

"Project Feed A Neighbor" had a very successful food collection, for the sixth annual event.  We were not able to calculate the weight this year, but both the Salvation Army and St. Vincent de Paul said that they had received more food items this year compared to 2014 when we were able to calculate about 9,000 lbs. collected.

"Further, over 2000 food items were collected from the friendly inter school competition between Westwood and Ishpeming High Schools.  This will be taken to the pantries this week.

"There are numerous volunteers and people associated with making Project Feed A Neighbor successful.  They come from churches, schools, service organizations, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, businesses, and it is even important to recognize the critical roll the media plays in helping remind people about contributing to the project.  One estimate determined that between 200 and 300 people have some part to play in Project Feed A Neighbor."

You all should be very proud of the role each of you played in this worthy effort!