Saturday, April 11, 2015

Project Feed a Neighbor part 2

Crew & Troop getting it done
Today was the heavy lifting day, the day we distributed collection bags to every single house on our assigned routes - no matter how long the driveway or number of steps up to the door. This week's snow just made it more... interesting. At least it wasn't raining, and the sun was out.

The project included volunteers from high schools, Troops, Packs, and a Crew member, too. Troop 321 made a good showing, and some of the Scouts brought siblings who were also really helpful.

The Troop helped label, rubber band, and count bags earlier in the week. Next Saturday we'll hit the streets and pick up the bags of canned food for our local food banks. This is a really big community project, and it's great to see our Scouts join in.