Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Pancake Breakfast Ticket Sales Event

Sweet Sales Success!
Our ticket sales event got off to a great start with 17 Scouts selling 213 tickets. Many buyers donated tickets to St Vinny's and to the Salvation Army. As a result, we'll be feeding a lot of hungry people on May 9th.

All Scouts who participated will split the evening's proceeds evenly. Great work guys! 

After tonight, Scouts are encouraged to continue selling right up until the 9th. The Troop will credit a Scout's scholarship fund $3 for each ticket they sell. These funds can be used for Scout related purchases and for camp tuition. Interested Scouts should also plan ahead for a trip to the National Jamboree next year. 

And don't forget to sell to family, friends, and teachers. Always remember, though - sell safely! Always go with a buddy and an adult, and don't carry large amounts of cash with you.