Thursday, May 21, 2015

Memorial Day Flag Planting

Scouting helps more than just Scouts
Sometimes we get so caught up in Scout activities, especially service projects, that we forget the impact we have on other people.

Today I saw Scouts in uniform cleaning up litter and planting flags in preparation for Memorial Day ceremonies this coming Monday, and I saw a lot more than that.

I saw a dozen or more grizzled veterans paying their respects. They, too, saw our boys carrying forward the tradition of honoring those who served during the most difficult times.

I also saw younger children following the example set by the Scouts, and I couldn't help but think, "this means something."

I hope that today, this weekend, and Memorial Day, we can catch our breath, look around, and see how our actions bring a a little brightness or a smile to someone don't even know.

Bit by bit, our actions make this world a better place.