Monday, May 25, 2015

Memorial Day Ceremonies

The Scouts in Troop 321 did a fine job representing Scouting today. They helped the VFW prepare their hall for the town's Memorial Day ceremonies after the event weathered out, they held the door and greeted veterans and guests, and they participated in the ceremonies with all due decorum.

It's great to for the boys to see the flag ceremony they learned as Cubs performed by combat veterans from both recent and long ago wars.

I regret that I can't tell you exactly how many times the veterans complimented the boys for their good behavior and helpfulness both today and last week decorating the cemetery with American flags, but it's a large number. Our participation means a lot to our city's veterans, and it shows they haven't been forgotten by America's youth.

Our newest media star
Lunch, by the way, was exceptional. Post members and the lady's auxiliary brought in a very nice potluck with a large variety of special treats.

The Troop also owes a special cheer for Danny P who stood before Channel 10's camera and bright lights to represent our Troop in very good form. Nice job!

I've also posted an album with this morning's highlights.