Saturday, March 7, 2015

Cub Winter Games

I sure didn't see any slow children
Ishpeming Cubs and Scouts have been instrumental for the past five years or so in making the Cub Winter games a great success, and this year was no different. This year's event also boasted a record number of volunteers from area Troops who set up and ran a variety of activities. The weather held out, with light winds, light snow, and warm(er) temperatures reaching into the upper twenties. Of course, the boys stayed warm racing around and climbing snow mounds between events.

  • the best Cub-run flag ceremony ever!
  • nine stations
  • fourteen groups
  • invading Ogre army demolished
  • new Cub bowling records set
  • possible UP 200 entrants identified
  • hot soup and hot chocolate
  • the bake sale raised over $290 for Ryan Koski's recovery
  • the chili sale raised $110 for Crew 356
Darryl did a great job as the event's master of ceremonies, chief judge, and media spokesperson. He even stayed late to help mop up, though I think he was avoiding the dog house at home. Thanks, also go to the Willey's who ran the obstacle course and to Carolyn and Grace who ran the bake sale - and to all the folks who brought donations. Linda also helped keep the kitchen running (we've honestly never seen a kitchen without pots) and cleaned up afterwards.

Our own Scouts helped run three events and were a credit to the Troop. This is such a change from just a few years ago when they were the ones racing around and rolling in the snow. We're proud of them and our adult volunteers. We turned a dreary winter day into something really memorable for a lot of young boys. 

We've also seen a steady increase in help from the area's Troops - with Troop 372 already volunteering for a bigger role next year. Special thanks go to Chuck Suckow who brought out a very large trebuchet and Paul Salfai who organized behind the scenes and kept registration running smoothly. I wish I could list all the troops that helped out, but I took more photos than notes. 

Speaking of photos, don't forget to check out the event's album. You'll see a lot of boys having a lot of fun. Some are even eating fruits and vegetables.