Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Court of Honor

Posting the Flag
Troop 321 celebrated new promotions and merit badges this evening after applauding Webelos from Pack 321 who crossed over from Cubs to Scouts. Of course, it all began with a potluck dinner and some wonderful fellowship.

Carl has been hard at work with the boys helping them knock out promotion requirements, and the work has really paid off.

If you've got some down-time, check out your son's Scout Handbook and see if you can help him with any of his requirements. Except in a few cases, you can work on promotion requirements for more than one rank at a time.

Also, keep an eye on AskMarvin.org. Our area's website now has a section on the home page devoted to upcoming Merit Badge opportunities. Some may require a bit of a drive, but that can be fun, too!

The full photo album is also available for viewing.