Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Court of Honor

Scouts leading the way
Today we celebrated our Scouts' achievements in earning both Merit Badges and promotions. Our boys put in some good work these past few months, and they deserve the recognition that goes with it. 

We also welcomed our new Troop members including the boys who crossed over this spring and the boys who joined our Troop from other units. Together we're going to have a great year!

And, of course, we are especially grateful to all the parents who have helped make this possible. Whether its making a dish for the potluck, sharing rides, joining us on camp-outs, or serving as an official BSA Adult Volunteer, we couldn't do it without you.

And so as we honored our Scouts this evening, I'd like to add, "Great job everyone!"

And don't forget to check out the event's album!