Sunday, September 22, 2013

Hessel International Scout Rally

Troop 321 cir. 1849
Hessel International Scout Rally enjoyed precisely 1,016 registered participants in this, our first year of attending. This year's theme: "Miner '49ers." We invited Pack 321's Webelos, and they made a good showing for themselves.

Unlike merit badge oriented summer camps, units set up campsites and activity centers to share with others. Each unit then traveled as a group from site to site participating in the various activities. We also competed for prizes in events that included cooking, costumes, cleanest campsite, and campsite entrances.

Carl and Darryl set up a "gold" panning station where the kids could wash out gold painted iron pellets. Robert set up an "Old Tyme" photo booth to take group pictures. While we didn't win any prizes, our free souvenirs were very popular, and we received many thank-you emails for the photos.

We've also posted photo galleries for Saturday and Sunday for those who would like to see the troop in action.