No one should be left in the cold |
The big day arrived, and a large crowd waited outside for their chance to pick out winter coats, snow pants, hats, gloves, and boots. Troop 321's Scouts lent one last hand for this most worthy project. Volunteers from many different organizations, including our own Troop sponsors, Wesley United Methodist Church, were on hand to keep the tables neat and assist shoppers.
Thanks to a very generous donation, Dick Derby, our Chartered Organization Representative, could take down names, sizes, and contact information of people who could not find what they needed. The donation will allow the project to acquire and distribute the needed items so that absolutely no child who walked through the armory doors will spend the winter without a warm winter coat and snow pants.
Hats off to our Scouts for their community spirit. I'd love to see even more boys participate next year. This is truly a worthy project.