Scouts: Learning to Serve |
Troop 321 held its first annual spaghetti dinner and bakesale fundraiser this evening. We should be very proud of our boys for all the work they put into this event.
A couple of weeks ago, a half dozen Scouts braved the cold to sell tickets from door to door in Ishpeming. They also took turns standing vigilant at the Holiday gas station and at Jubilee inviting patrons to purchase tickets. Other boys sold tickets to family, friends, and neighbors. Severe cold hampered their efforts somewhat the following week, but it did nothing to dampen their spirits.
Our Scouts sold many tickets to people on the promise we would donate them to the Salvation Army, and Darryl dropped them off in time for distribution. As a result, Troop 321's fundraiser also served to help feed our local needy.
More boys volunteered to help out with the dinner. They rolled up their sleeves and took on all tasks: ticket taking, food preparation, serving, table bussing, and cleanup. However, this was truly a family event with Dave, a professional chef, keeping the boys in the kitchen organized, Darryl who handled the shopping and a lot of the food preparation, and, of course, our sweeties Grace, Carolyn, and Robert who brought baked goods. We've also uploaded a photo album -
A few of the adults put their heads together and agreed we should try this again next year. With the boys a year older, they can take on even more responsibilities. We should also be able to incorporate this event into several different merit badges, too: Salesmanship and Cooking come to mind!