Saturday, August 3, 2013

Camp Hiawatha

Jackson mixing it up
Crossing over from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, merit badges, rank advancement, camping skills, popcorn sales, spaghetti dinners, it all comes down to... summer camp!

At Camp Hiawatha the scouts really had a chance to cut loose and explore their interests. Some boys took up space exploration and built their own model rockets. Others took on sculpture, basketry, rifle shooting, Indian lore, wood carving, and more.

The boys also took on more responsibility around the campsite than they had when they were cubs. As Boy Scouts, they helped prepare and clean up after meals, maintain the fire and firewood supplies, participate in flag ceremonies, and set up their own tents.

We had a great week, and the boys played while they learned. If only school could be like this! Check out our album to get an even better picture.